How can I place an order at Namshi ?
Here's a step-by-step guide to
placing your order on Namshi:
- Create an Account:
- First, ensure you have a Namshi account. If you don’t,
click on 'Account' and choose 'Login or Signup.'
- Enter your email address to receive a one-time
password (OTP) for verification, then fill in the required account
- Choose Your Items:
- Browse and select the items you want. Choose the size,
then click 'Add to Bag.'
- Review Your Bag:
- Click on the bag icon to view your selected items and
proceed to checkout.
- Enter Your Delivery Address:
- Select an address by pin location, or choose a nearby
locker if that’s more convenient. Click 'Confirm Location' and enter your
full address and phone number.
- An OTP will be sent to verify your phone number. Enter
the OTP to confirm.
- Review Order Details:
- On the right side of the checkout page, you’ll see a
summary of your order. Here, you can:
- Apply any available coupons, click in (Coupons &
Bank offers) to see your available coupons
- Choose delivery preferences and opt for next-day
delivery for an additional fee if desired.
- Select Payment Method:
- Choose your preferred payment option. For pre-paid
orders, you can request for the package to be left at your door if you're
- Place Your Order:
- Once everything looks good, click 'Pay' or 'Place
Order' to complete your purchase.
Note: Remember, your order can only be delivered within the
country you selected when setting your country flag on Namshi. For example, if
your flag is set to UAE, delivery will only be available within the UAE.